Diabetic Shoe Fitting

We are your diabetes experts. Proper foot care is important in all patients with diabetes. Patients with diabetes can develop neuropathy, a painful nerve condition in their legs and feet. Neuropathy also leads to decreased foot sensation. Decreased sensation (lack of feeling) can cause minor blisters and callouses to develop into serious sores that are difficult to heal.
Proper shoe fit can prevent blisters and callouses from developing. At Homer Drug Co., we have a certified diabetic shoe fitter on staff. Call today and speak with Marie Webb, CPhT, CFT. She'll make an appointment to examine your feet, talk with your doctor, and fit you for a pair of diabetic shoes that are just for you. Medicare pays 100% toward one pair of diabetic shoes per year, for all qualified patients.
Medicare will pay for 1 pair of diabetic shoes and 3 pair of inserts per year for diabetic patients who qualify. It's an easy, 3-step process to take advantage of this benefit:
1) Visit your doctor who manages your diabetic care for a foot exam (must have been within last 6 months) and ask if you qualify
2) Take this form with you to your doctor's appointment and have him complete both sides. (attach link for patient forms for diabetic shoes here)
3) Ask your doctor to fax a copy of the notes from your foot exam to us at Homer Drug. Our fax number is 706-677-3602.
That's it! Once we have all the necessary documentation, we'll call you to set up an appointment for the initial fitting.